Royal Asset Managers is founded on principles that guide us to focus on the things that are most important to investors and our clients: Integrity, experience and responsiveness.



Our commitment is to always act in your sole best interest. RAM clients enjoy a relationship that is based on genuine openness and full disclosure. You want to know that your financial partner always works in your sole best interests and that is not only RAM's commitment but it is required by our status as a registered investment advisor that is held to a fiduciary standard. Our clients benefit from regular detailed reporting that includes self-explanatory cost and quality disclosures of their portfolios and performance presentations that are guided by the CFA Institute's ethical requirements for fair performance reporting standards.


Your investment solutions and financial leadership are delivered by Michael Alexenko, a credentialed professional with over 35 years of service in the financial industry. Your advisor is capable of addressing every aspect of the major financial problems you might encounter. He constructs portfolios with skill and offers insightful analyses to clients about their financial challenges. Michael's experience in performing cash flow and credit analysis of business financial statements has helped him develop superior personal financial planning skills. Determining the creditworthiness of corporations is a complicated exercise and creates excellent preparedness for addressing personal budgeting and projections.


We are there when you need us most. Royal Asset Managers is a boutique advisory firm that consistently achieves outstanding service and responsiveness. We never wane in our duty of personalized attention. The firm's success is not measured by how rapidly it can amass a customer base of hundreds or thousands, but how it can attract and retain clients for years into the future. We have a manageable client list with some excess capacity and for that reason we maintain the same high level of service for each client as we did from the inception of each relationship. You'll know that we are attentive to your needs by the actions we take and not by the words we speak.